Tag: technology

  • A Closer Look at the Azure Cloud Portfolio – 3. Azure DevOps Boards

    A Closer Look at the Azure Cloud Portfolio – 3. Azure DevOps Boards

    Azure Boards (AB), part of Azure DevOps suite, is a tool for managing software development work that allows planning, tracking, customization, and discussion. The post outlines how to start with AB, set up a project, create and manage work items, customize a project’s boards, and organize work into sprints. AB’s key advantages include its flexibility,…

  • GPT & DeepLake NLP: Amazon Financial Statements

    GPT & DeepLake NLP: Amazon Financial Statements

    The post outlines the implementation of an AI-powered chatbot using NLP to process and analyze financial data from Amazon’s financial statements. The tool employs LlamaIndex and DeepLake to answer queries, summarize financial information, and analyze trends. This approach enhances the efficiency of data analysis, making it a valuable resource for finance and banking professionals.

  • Effective 2D Image Compression with K-means Clustering

    Effective 2D Image Compression with K-means Clustering

    The post explores the application of the K-means clustering algorithm, a popular unsupervised Machine Learning algorithm, for image compression. By segmenting 2D images into different clusters, the algorithm effectively reduces storage space without compromising on image quality or resolution. It also demonstrates the application of this approach through a case study, where optimal results were…

  • The $0 MarTech Stack for Small Business

    The $0 MarTech Stack for Small Business

    The post is a comprehensive guide to marketing technology, or martech. It covers the development of customer data platforms for managing marketing operations, as well as ten categories of free martech SaaS tools useful for startups. The categories include marketing automation, social media, SEO, lead generation, graphic design, PR, email marketing, project management, conversion rate…

  • A Closer Look at the Azure Cloud Portfolio – 2. From VMs to Web Servers

    A Closer Look at the Azure Cloud Portfolio – 2. From VMs to Web Servers

    This guide explains how to create virtual machines (VMs) for deploying web servers from Azure. It covers the process of creating a VM and connecting it to a secured subnet within a virtual network (VNet), using Azure’s Bastion service for secure RDP/SSH connections, and installing a Nextcloud server on the VM. Additional steps include making…

  • Video Game Sales Data Exploration

    Video Game Sales Data Exploration

    The post explores the gaming industry’s size and state, highlighting a potential market value of $314bn by 2027. It emphasizes the industry’s three main subsectors: console, PC, and smartphone gaming. Moreover, the post conducts extensive data analysis on video game sales data, using Python to examine aspects such as genre profitability, platform sales prices, and…

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) on $MO 8.07% DIV USA Stock Data 2022-23

    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) on $MO 8.07% DIV USA Stock Data 2022-23

    This study applies the Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithm to USA stocks with +4% DIV in 2022-23, focusing on Altria Group, Inc. The study addresses accurate stock price predictions and the challenges in traditional methods. Recent advances in DRL have shown improved accuracy in stock forecasting, making it suitable for turbulent markets and investment decision-making.

  • LSTM Price Predictions of 4 Tech Stocks

    LSTM Price Predictions of 4 Tech Stocks

    The given content explains the process of using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Sequential model for comparing the risk/return of four major tech stocks: Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, considering the tech scenario in 2023. The analysis involves examining stock price patterns, their correlations, risk-return assessment, and predicting stock prices using…

  • Comparative ML/AI Performance Analysis of 13 Handwritten Digit Recognition (HDR) Scikit-Learn Algorithms with PCA+HPO

    Comparative ML/AI Performance Analysis of 13 Handwritten Digit Recognition (HDR) Scikit-Learn Algorithms with PCA+HPO

    Featured Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on Pexels The article consists of the following three parts: 3. Unsupervised ML using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the dimensionality reduction within Parts 1 and 2. Our main goal is to build a text and graphics report comparing the main scikit-learn classification metrics: accuracy_score, classification_report (precision, recall, and…

  • Python Technical Analysis for BioTech – Get Buy Alerts on ABBV in 2023

    Python Technical Analysis for BioTech – Get Buy Alerts on ABBV in 2023

    Seeking Alpha urged investors to buy AbbVie (NYSE:ABBV), Vertex Pharma (NASDAQ:VRTX), Genmab (GMAB) and a range of other biotechs in 2022 long before those stocks outperformed − sometimes even as the consensus view on Wall Street suggested otherwise. Let’s examine the ABBV 2022 stock performance using mplfinance, plotly, bokeh, bqplot, and cufflinks libraries in Python. Let’s set the…

  • 50 Coronavirus COVID-19 Free APIs

    50 Coronavirus COVID-19 Free APIs

    The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the creation of numerous free, accessible APIs providing real-time data on the virus’s spread. With data in JSON and CSV formats sourced from reputable institutions, developers and researchers can track cases, government policies, and more for informed decision-making and analysis.

  • AI-Based ECG Recognition – EOY ’22 Status

    AI-Based ECG Recognition – EOY ’22 Status

    Featured Photo by cottonbro studio on pexels. Electrocardiography (ECG) is the method most often used to diagnose cardiovascular diseases. The recent study demonstrates that an AI is capable of automatically diagnosing the abnormalities indicated by an ECG. In this post we will review and illustrate how AI applies to ECG analysis to outperform traditional ECG analysis.…

  • 99% Accurate Breast Cancer Classification using Neural Networks in TensorFlow

    99% Accurate Breast Cancer Classification using Neural Networks in TensorFlow

    Breast cancer is a significant global health concern, affecting 12% of women. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques play a crucial role in early diagnosis using image features. The study demonstrates a successful Neural Network model for breast cancer classification, achieving 98% accuracy and 98% F1-score. Multiple metrics confirm the model’s efficiency.

  • Textual Genres Analysis using the Carloto’s NLP Algorithm

    Textual Genres Analysis using the Carloto’s NLP Algorithm

    Featured Photo by Dominika Roseclay on Pexels. Computational Linguistics (CL) is the scientific study of language. Oftentime, CL is linked to the Python software development based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) libraries. NLP basically consists of combining machine learning (ML) techniques with text, and using math and statistics to get that text in a format…

  • A Roadmap from Data Science to BI via ML

    A Roadmap from Data Science to BI via ML

    The blog post presents a comprehensive roadmap to Data Science (DS), providing an overview of career prospects, the field’s intersections with Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, and its business relevance. The text details the earning potential of data scientists and the steps towards becoming one, including Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Business Intelligence. It highlights…

  • A Comparison of Scikit Learn Algorithms for Breast Cancer Classification – 2. Cross Validation vs Performance

    A Comparison of Scikit Learn Algorithms for Breast Cancer Classification – 2. Cross Validation vs Performance

    The post is a continuation of a previous breast cancer study comparing Scikit-Learn binary classifiers for cross validation and model performance. The classifiers compared include Logistic Regression, GaussianNB, SVC, KNN, Random Forest, Extra Trees, and Gradient Boosting. Learning curves show the comparison of classifier performance. Results indicate GaussianNB is more efficient than SVC in terms…

  • Energy E&P: XOM Technical Analysis Nov ’22

    Energy E&P: XOM Technical Analysis Nov ’22

    Featured Photo by Kayden The last few years offer a case study of how quickly energy markets can shift. According to our recent post, Oil & Gas Exploration and Production (E&P) stays the top energy sector, remaining firmly at Very Attractive to Buy. In the light of what we know about E&P business, let’s take…

  • Hands-On USGS Webscraping of Earthquakes- Worldwide (24 Hours)

    Hands-On USGS Webscraping of Earthquakes- Worldwide (24 Hours)

    A live global earthquake tracker has been developed using the USGS earthquake data feed. This tool, which functions 24/7, distinguishes between underground nuclear explosions and organic or man-made seismic activities such as earthquakes and mining explosions. This tracker is crucial given that a third of the world’s population is exposed to earthquakes.

  • The 5-Step Tech Blogging Roadmap

    The 5-Step Tech Blogging Roadmap

    “The life of a blogger is always intense.” – Repo Man Follow this blogging zero-to-hero guide and learn the 5 essential steps to write and publish your first tech blog post. This is an optimized roadmap that contains actionable tips for the aspirational rookie writer. It is designed to get Fortune 500 companies hooked on…

  • ML/AI Breast Cancer Diagnosis with 98% Confidence

    ML/AI Breast Cancer Diagnosis with 98% Confidence

    We demonstrate the importance of hyperparameter optimization (HPO) for enhancing ML prediction accuracy. Specifically, we will focus on the Random Forest Classifier (RFC) as an ensemble of decision trees. RFC is a supervised ML algorithm that has been applied successfully to the BC binary classification.