Tag: exploratory data analysis

  • 100 Basic Python Codes

    100 Basic Python Codes

    Source: PYPL Popularity of Programming Language, Feb 2024. Table of Contents Setting Up Your Environment Download Datasets Initial Pandas Data QC Displaying Pandas Data Types Showing Descriptive Statistics Exploring the Dataset Email Slicer User Input & Type Conversion Working with Lists Practicing Loops Calculator Temperature Conversion ADC Temperature Sensor Sorting Numpy Arrays Story Generator Display…

  • Wind Energy ML Prediction & Turbine Power Control

    Wind Energy ML Prediction &  Turbine Power Control

    This text presents a detailed project on modeling the power curve of a wind turbine, which is crucial in wind energy management and forecasting. By using machine learning techniques such as Random Forest and Gradient Boosting Regressors, and validating with real-world Scada data from a Turkish wind farm, the project shows it’s possible to create…

  • Morocco Earthquake EDA

    Morocco Earthquake EDA

    Featured design via Canva. Clickable Table of Contents Basic Installations and Imports Let’s set the working directory YOURPATH Let’s install and import the following libraries Download Earthquake Input Data For this project, we’ll use a dataset that contains all seismic events over the last seven days, which have a magnitude of 1.0 or greater: Output:…

  • NLP of Restaurant Guest Reviews on Tripadvisor

    NLP of Restaurant Guest Reviews on Tripadvisor

    This is a comprehensive study examining restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor across 31 major European cities. The research, based on a dataset scraped from TripAdvisor, aims to perform a sentiment analysis of reviews, exploring average ratings per city, vegetarian-friendly cities, and how local cuisine compares to foreign food. The analysis is carried out using Python, demonstrating…

  • Improved Multiple-Model ML/DL Credit Card Fraud Detection: F1=88% & ROC=91%

    Improved Multiple-Model ML/DL Credit Card Fraud Detection: F1=88% & ROC=91%

    In 2023, the global card industry is projected to suffer $36.13 billion in fraud losses. This has necessitated a priority focus on enhancing credit card fraud detection by banks and financial organizations. AI-based techniques are making fraud detection easier and more accurate, with models able to recognize unusual transactions and fraud. The post discusses a…

  • Datapane Stock Screener App from Scratch

    Datapane Stock Screener App from Scratch

    This content provides a quick guide for value investors to use the Datapane stock screener API in Python. It includes instructions for installation, importing standard libraries, setting the stock ticker, downloading stock Adj Close price, and creating visualizations. The post also describes how to build a powerful report using Datapane’s layout components.

  • Video Game Sales Data Exploration

    Video Game Sales Data Exploration

    The post explores the gaming industry’s size and state, highlighting a potential market value of $314bn by 2027. It emphasizes the industry’s three main subsectors: console, PC, and smartphone gaming. Moreover, the post conducts extensive data analysis on video game sales data, using Python to examine aspects such as genre profitability, platform sales prices, and…

  • SARIMAX Crude Oil Prices Forecast – 1. WTI

    SARIMAX Crude Oil Prices Forecast – 1. WTI

    The content discusses a detailed forecast of Brent and WTI oil prices for 2023, using Python, SARIMAX and Time Series Analysis. The data indicates volatility in the oil market starting 2023, with prices set to decrease from 2022 levels. Experts also warn of a potential US recession in 2023, which could further impact the oil…

  • A Roadmap from Data Science to BI via ML

    A Roadmap from Data Science to BI via ML

    The blog post presents a comprehensive roadmap to Data Science (DS), providing an overview of career prospects, the field’s intersections with Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, and its business relevance. The text details the earning potential of data scientists and the steps towards becoming one, including Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Business Intelligence. It highlights…

  • Towards Optimized ML Wildfire Prediction

    Towards Optimized ML Wildfire Prediction: This Python case example stems from the initial research into ML/AI wildfire prediction using the dataset that was downloaded from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

  • Simple E-Commerce Sales BI Analytics

    Simple E-Commerce Sales BI Analytics

    Good businesses learn from previous efforts and test future ideas using e-commerce analytics (ECA). ECA enable you to delve deep into historical BI data, and future forecasting so that you can make the optimized business decisions.  The key benefits of ECA are as follows: Let’s look at the warehouse optimization problem by analyzing Kaggle sales…

  • AI-Powered Customer Churn Prediction

    AI-Powered Customer Churn Prediction

    AI-Powered Customer Churn Prediction Churn is a good indicator of growth potential. Churn rates track lost customers, and growth rates track new customers—comparing and analyzing both of these metrics tells you exactly how much your business is growing over time. In this project, we explored the churn rate in-depth and examined an example implementation of…

  • AI-Powered Stroke Prediction

    Contents: Introduction Stroke, also known as brain attack, happens when blood flow to the brain is blocked, preventing it from getting oxygen and nutrients from it and causing the death of brain cells within minutes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) stroke is the 2nd leading cause of death globally after ischemic heart disease,…

  • LegalTech Law-as-a-Service (LaaS)

    LegalTech Law-as-a-Service (LaaS)

    Law-as-a-Service (LaaS) Global Legal Market SWOT Analysis Deloitte Example: 16 AI Projects Legal Tech Portfolio Legal Tech Agile/Scrum/HR Analysis Key LaaS Components LaaS On-Prem/Virtual Workspace Cloud Computing (CC) LA Virtualization