Category: edtech

  • 100 Basic Python Codes

    100 Basic Python Codes

    Source: PYPL Popularity of Programming Language, Feb 2024. Table of Contents Setting Up Your Environment Download Datasets Initial Pandas Data QC Displaying Pandas Data Types Showing Descriptive Statistics Exploring the Dataset Email Slicer User Input & Type Conversion Working with Lists Practicing Loops Calculator Temperature Conversion ADC Temperature Sensor Sorting Numpy Arrays Story Generator Display…

  • Basic Python Programming

    Basic Python Programming

    This guide introduces basic concepts and features of the Python programming language. It covers a range of topics, including installation, variables, strings, lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries, loops, conditionals, functions, and modules. The comprehensive content provides valuable information for beginners seeking to learn Python for data science or general programming.

  • A Closer Look at the Azure Cloud Portfolio – 1. Essentials

    A Closer Look at the Azure Cloud Portfolio – 1. Essentials

    The article presents an extensive overview of Microsoft Azure services in comparison with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It reveals that Azure’s cloud revenue for 2021 outperformed AWS and GCP combined, comprising nearly 80% of Fortune 500 companies as clients. The piece elaborates on Azure’s cloud concepts, Azure Synapse SQL Pool,…

  • Overview of AWS Tech Portfolio 2023

    Overview of AWS Tech Portfolio 2023

    This summary focuses on the extensive capabilities of Amazon Web Services (AWS) by 2023, highlighting its 27% year-on-year growth and a net sales increase to $127.1 billion. AWS emerges as the top cloud service provider, offering over 200 services including compute, storage, databases, networking, AI, and machine learning. It is constantly expanding operations, having opened…

  • A Roadmap from Data Science to BI via ML

    A Roadmap from Data Science to BI via ML

    The blog post presents a comprehensive roadmap to Data Science (DS), providing an overview of career prospects, the field’s intersections with Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, and its business relevance. The text details the earning potential of data scientists and the steps towards becoming one, including Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Business Intelligence. It highlights…

  • The ABC Guide to WordPress SEO/SEM

    The ABC Guide to WordPress SEO/SEM

    This post discusses the importance of SEO marketing, with a focus on Wordpress. It highlights the inherent SEO features of Wordpress which include native SEO characteristics, PHP and HTML markup, and SEO plugins. Various SEO optimization strategies are highlighted, including adjusting permalinks, post headings, and internal links, adding categories and tags, and using Alt Text…

  • Cloud-Native Tech Autumn 2022 Fair

    Cloud-Native Tech Autumn 2022 Fair

    Let’s dive deeper into the cloud-native tech trends and features to follow in Q4 2022 and beyond. Contents: Markets Services Serverless Cybersecurity DevSecOps ML/AI/IoT Use-Cases Events Training Explore More Infographic

  • Top 10 Most Upvoted Apps Sept ’22

    Top 10 Most Upvoted Apps Sept ’22

    Following Leon Zucchini, let’s consider the latest roundup of the 10 most upvoted brand-new apps, hits on ProductHunt in September 2022. These are xTiles Polywork MeltingSpot Arcade Appwrite Jimo Popsy Typed Growth.Design and of course the best search engine Curiosity.