Tag: Pandas

  • Python Data Science for Real Estate & REIT Amsterdam: (Auto) EDA, NLP, Maps & ML

    Python Data Science for Real Estate & REIT Amsterdam: (Auto) EDA, NLP, Maps & ML

    The Amsterdam real estate market has experienced a significant resurgence, with property prices increasing by double digits annually since 2013. Data science is being used to analyze the city’s housing and rental markets, revealing insights on the impact of Airbnb and empowering communities with the necessary information. Comprehensive data analysis and machine learning techniques are…

  • Walmart Weekly Sales Time Series Forecasting using SARIMAX & ML Models

    Walmart Weekly Sales Time Series Forecasting using SARIMAX & ML Models

    The blog post delves into Time Series Forecasting (TSF), using SARIMAX and Supervised Machine Learning algorithms to predict Walmart’s weekly store sales. Factors affecting sales are investigated for strategies to increase revenues. The study additionally covers data preparation, feature correlation analysis, SARIMAX diagnostics, and the training of supervised ML models like Linear Regression, Random Forest,…

  • Time Series Data Imputation, Interpolation & Anomaly Detection

    Time Series Data Imputation, Interpolation & Anomaly Detection

    The post compares popular time series data imputation, interpolation, and anomaly detection methods. It explores the challenges of missing data and the impact on processing, analyzing, and model accuracy. The study performs data-centric experiments to benchmark optimal methods and highlights the importance of imputation for time series forecasting. It provides practical strategies and techniques for…

  • 100 Basic Python Codes

    100 Basic Python Codes

    Source: PYPL Popularity of Programming Language, Feb 2024. Table of Contents Setting Up Your Environment Download Datasets Initial Pandas Data QC Displaying Pandas Data Types Showing Descriptive Statistics Exploring the Dataset Email Slicer User Input & Type Conversion Working with Lists Practicing Loops Calculator Temperature Conversion ADC Temperature Sensor Sorting Numpy Arrays Story Generator Display…

  • Retail Sales, Store Item Demand Time-Series Analysis/Forecasting: AutoEDA, FB Prophet, SARIMAX & Model Tuning

    Retail Sales, Store Item Demand Time-Series Analysis/Forecasting: AutoEDA, FB Prophet, SARIMAX & Model Tuning

    This study compares and evaluates various forecasting models to predict sales and demand for retail businesses. The focus is on Time Series Analysis (TSA) methods such as FB Prophet and SARIMAX. The final FB Prophet model yields MAE=4.252 and MAPE=0.168, while SARIMAX models’ best performing variant achieves MAE=6.285 and MAPE=0.213. The study emphasizes the importance…

  • E-Commerce Data Science Use-Case

    In response to the surge of online shopping, a Data Science (DS) based customer analytics platform focusing on customer profiling, sentiment analysis, and customer lifetime value prediction is being developed. This platform utilizes the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) pipeline employing the Python library, Pandas. The platform is capable of product recommendation, customer trend analysis, sales…